About Me

the lil blue blob that resides in the lil red dot of a country called Singapore. :)

Saturday, October 6, 2007

tik price increased

the prices shoot up to $18 for the departure date on 20th oct... dear v du lan, so cos i considering 4 so long then missed the $9 offer... :(

me tryin to research up on the other alternatives - silkair, air asia, thai airways...

was tryin to persuade dear mayb compromise on the hotel? or jus take the $18 depart sat? or take the depart sun at $9? sigh.... feel so dui.... dun mind spendin the extra or a bit more trouble to travel to KL if air asia.....

stil tryin to persuade dear to go ahead with the plans, so his plannin wun b wasted. so now the position is turned ard, hahaha... me persuadin him to go...

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