About Me

the lil blue blob that resides in the lil red dot of a country called Singapore. :)

Friday, October 5, 2007

phuket tour

busy busy tryin to arrange the phuket trip airfare... shld book anot? jetstar $9 promo came back le... dear told me tt on wed, bt was stil worried over the period, so i told him wait til period ba, bt now over le, so shld stil book?

dear spent a lot of effort on the plannin n the accomodation (he's kipin it a secret), so wld b v bad if i dun wana book the tiks now leh... cos i was tinkin its exp, since we went to krabi in feb le. travellin twice to thai in a yr seems a bit over ist? bt dun wana hurt his feelings leh... how how...

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